How to play Dragon Tiger – Betting formula to win every time

Dragon Tiger

How to play Dragon Tiger is really simple, you do not need to possess too many skills like other betting games. However, in addition to the way to play, new players need to understand more about the scoring rules and some winning tips. All will be summarized by Hi88 in the article below.

How to play Dragon Tiger?

Before learning how to play, we will share the concept of what a dragon tiger is. This is a card game genre originating from China and is currently attracting a lot of players. There will be a total of 3 betting doors and your job is to choose which door you think is most suitable.

The Dragon Tiger game will be a game of wits between you and the dealer. Accordingly, we are the bettors and the dealer is the payer. Dragon Tiger betting has no limit on the amount of bets or the number of participants.

Each Dragon Tiger game only lasts 60 seconds, you can play continuously or take a break to observe. In general, the gameplay is quite simple and comfortable, just place your bet, wait for the signal, and see the result.

How to play Dragon Tiger?
How to play Dragon Tiger?

Details of scoring rules in the Dragon Tiger game

Currently, the scoring process in this betting game is done automatically from the bookmaker’s system. However, we still need to understand how to calculate to know how many total points we have.

  • Part A: Equivalent to 1 point.
  • J: worth 11 points.
  • Question Q: equivalent to 12 points.
  • Part K: equivalent to 13 points.
  • The remaining cards are worth their respective numbers.

Tips for playing Dragon Tiger to win every time for beginners

Obviously this betting game is very simple but playing is one thing, and winning is another. To bet 100% in every bet, you need to own some of the dragon tiger prediction methods below.

Choose a bet

As mentioned above, Dragon Tiger has 3 betting doors, including 2 main doors and 1 side door. According to the experience of long-time experts, the 2 dragon and tiger doors will have a higher probability of winning than the remaining side doors. Therefore, if you are a “safe and secure” person, you should only bet on these 2 betting doors.

Of course, everything has its price, the lower the odds of winning the side door will mean that the house will pay higher rewards. For those who like to take risks, they will choose the side door to increase the drama. And many people have won big, won huge amounts of money thanks to steadfastly choosing this betting door.

How to play well by raising dragon tiger bridge

Tips for playing Dragon Tiger to win every time for beginners
Tips for playing Dragon Tiger to win every time for beginners

The experts share as follows, if the bridge is flat at the Dragon Gate, you must raise it at the Tiger Gate and vice versa. Although, in theory, this is simple, not everyone can seize the right opportunity. We will explain more clearly how to raise the Dragon Tiger Bridge.

First, you need to determine whether the bridge is flat or normal and how long it will be flat before you will keep the bridge. In fact, it is very difficult to know exactly when to give advice to players, because the dragon tiger bridge is always fluctuating. It is best to rely on experience and trust yourself to judge.

Observation strategy

This strategy is considered by many players to be the most effective. The observation here will be divided into 3 processes.

  • First, we watch the games of those who often win. When observing, you will learn a lot from them such as how to judge, when to put money and choose the right door.
  • Second, look at the statistics table of the most recent matches, usually 20 games or more. Through this results table, you will be able to analyze the probability of each bet. From there, predict the bet that best suits you.
  • Third, observe the dealer. This may seem useless but it is very effective. By observing the actions of the dealer, you will also have a basis to choose which door to choose.

Good capital management

The last and most important secret is how each player manages their capital. Have you ever wondered why some gamblers win big and others lose big? It all depends on their capital management skills.

One piece of advice we would like to share is that you should not bet too much on one Dragon Tiger game. Instead, spread your capital evenly and play in many games to minimize risk. Many players have followed our advice and found it really effective.

Information on how to play Dragon Tiger, scoring rules as well as the formula for winning has been compiled by us in this article. Hopefully, readers of Taya365 Pro as well as those who are new to this game will find it useful. Good luck!